Tagged: membership management

Association Management Services


Becker Associates provides full secretariat services to local, provincial and national not-for-profit bodies. Many of our clients have membership or subscription lists that are less than a thousand. This scale of operation makes it prohibitive for an association to maintain its own office. Even with a volunteer or student workforce, operating and equipment costs may be […]


OAGEE Launches New Site


Ontario Asso­ci­ation of Geo­graphic and Envir­on­mental Edu­cat­ors, a subject area association, re-develops with site. New site includes integ­ra­tion with con­fer­ence man­age­ment and regis­tra­tion, regional news, resource down­loads of teach­ing aids.


CUMS Launches New Web Site


Over the last several months, the CUMS web site has undergone major rejuvenation with a new publication platform that promises to be infinitely more flexible and friendly than the former. Among the numerous advantages, we note that it is now possible to join the society and renew one’s membership online, something several members have already […]
