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Canadian Journal of Music, formerly Canadian University Music Review, a bilingual journal, was founded in 1980 by the Canadian University Music Society. As the principal Canadian outlet for refereed scholarly research, it is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

The global aim of the journal is to publish research by scholars from around the world. Its particular mandate is to represent Canadian research to other Canadians, and thus to support awareness and interaction among Canadians interested in music research, as well as to represent Canadian research and Canadian music to the world.

The current focus of the journal is in large part upon the traditional fields of music scholarship and research, but studies in popular music and culture are playing a greater role in the journal’s output.Discipline(s): Arts, music, musicology, music theory, music history, ethnomusicology, music cognition, music analysis, composition, music education, music performance, opera, popular music studies, cultural studies.

ISSN: 1911-0146
Published by: Canadian University Music Society / Societé de musique des universités canadiens

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