Category: Becker Blog

OFSHEEA Launches New Website


OFSHEEA (The Ontario Family Studies Home Ecomonic Educators Association), a subject area association, launches their new site. Becker Associates developed their site, re-organizing their content to make the vast resources available more evident.


Creating Depth to Your Site


In Six Pixels of Separation, Mitch Joel points out that even through Wired magazine’s mandate is to publish the latest and greatest on technology news, over half of the traffic to their web site is to older archived content. This is not because people are necessarily looking for Wi-Fi articles from 1998 in Google. They […]


Are you a reactionary worker?


If emails tend to be a big part of your job, have you ever noticed how many times in a day do you click the send/receive button just to see who has emailed or responded to your previous emails? You may even want to calculate out this wonderful time waster and take a look at […]


OFSHEEA Finishes Up Their Annual Conference


Ontario Family Studies and Home Ecomomic Educators’ Association, a subject area association, had their annual conference November 6. Conference registrations were handled by Becker Associates as well as their online conference programming – including a module to support them in exhibits coordination. We are working on their website to redevelop it to keep pace with […]


John Adams Becker 1932–2010


We honour the passing of a loving husband, father, mentor, and friend on Wednesday September 22, 2010. John had passion, commitment, and an ethic of making a difference. As well as university administration, he devoted much of his life energy to volunteer work. During his years at the University of Toronto (SPS 5T5) and after, […]


OAGEE Launches New Site


Ontario Asso­ci­ation of Geo­graphic and Envir­on­mental Edu­cat­ors, a subject area association, re-develops with site. New site includes integ­ra­tion with con­fer­ence man­age­ment and regis­tra­tion, regional news, resource down­loads of teach­ing aids.


Becker Associates Provides Custom Programming to ECOO Conference Management


Educational Computing Organization of Ontario, a subject area association, makes use of custom programming to manage their conference session management and registration. Working with ECOO, Becker Associates has programmed a session proposal and approval system to aid in the conference programming. Approved sessions are the integrated into third-party event registration system — reducing errors in […]


CUMS Launches New Web Site


Over the last several months, the CUMS web site has undergone major rejuvenation with a new publication platform that promises to be infinitely more flexible and friendly than the former. Among the numerous advantages, we note that it is now possible to join the society and renew one’s membership online, something several members have already […]
