Christina Becker

Vice-President, Consulting and Board Development

Christina Becker has worked for the non-profit sector for 35 years as a manager, consultant, and volunteer. Her career included stints at Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and Sport, Ontario Museums Association, Corporation of Roy Thomson Hall and Massey Hall, Gemstone Film Productions, in addition to Fox Jones Consultants.

In 1992, she founded C.J. Becker & Asso­ci­ates and in 2003, she joined Becker Associates as the Vice President of Association Management and Consulting. Over the course of her career, she has been involved in numer­ous stud­ies, com­munity con­sulta­tions, and plan­ning pro­cesses. Futhermore, she has worked with mas­ters stu­dents study­ing group and organizational dynam­ics at the Inter­na­tional Insti­tute for Man­age­ment Devel­op­ment in Lausanne, Switzer­land.

She has facil­it­ated many organ­iz­a­tions in devel­op­ing stra­tegic plans, and improv­ing their admin­is­tra­tion, fin­an­cial man­age­ment, board rela­tions, mar­ket­ing, in addition to fun­drais­ing. Christina has a BFA [Music], MBA and a PhD equi­val­ent in psy­cho­logy from the C.G. Jung Insti­tute in Zurich, Switzerland.

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