Category: Publication Clients

New Book Published


Becker Associates has just published a new title: Romain Gary: L’impossible dérobade (ISBN : 978-0-919387-61-4) by Benoit Desmarais. The book Lecture de l’oeuvre de Romain Gary autour des thèmes de la clandestinité, du “coming out” de Roman Kacew (alias Gary) via Gros-Câlin signé Ajar. From the back cover – Ce que je voudrais être ? – Romain […]


Quaderni d’italianistica


Quaderni d’italianistica is the official journal of the Canadian Society for Italian Studies. Publication is made possible by a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. A peer-reviewed journal, it appears twice yearly and publishes articles and book reviews in English, French, or Italian touching on any aspect of Italian literature from the origins […]


Creating Memory: A Guide to Outdoor Sculpture in Toronto


by John Warkentin, York University Published by Becker Associates in association with The City Institute at York University Toronto has over 600 public outdoor sculptures, works of art that provide a sense of the rich variety of life and work in the city, its peoples, cultures and aspirations. Interest in commissioning public sculpture began slowly […]


Refuge: Canada’s Periodical on Refugees


Founded in 1981, Refuge is an interdisciplinary journal published two times a year by the Centre for Refugee Studies, York University and Queen’s University. The journal aims to provide a forum for discussion and critical reflection on refugee and forced migration issues. Refuge is a non-profit, independent periodical supported by subscriptions and provides analytical, reflective, […]




Canadian Journal of Music, formerly Canadian University Music Review, a bilingual journal, was founded in 1980 by the Canadian University Music Society. As the principal Canadian outlet for refereed scholarly research, it is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. The global aim of the journal is to publish research by […]


Renaissance and Reformation


Renaissance and Reformation is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, bilingual quarterly. The journal publishes articles and reviews on all aspects of the Renaissance, Reformation and Early Modern world: literature, geography, history, religion, art, music, society, and economics. Renaissance and Reformation is currently available electronically through the Iter database on subscription.


Early Theatre


Early Theatre is a peer-reviewed journal that welcomes research in medieval or early modern drama and theatre history, rooted in the records and documents of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. We likewise encourage articles or notes on related materials either in Europe, or in parts of the world where English or European travellers, traders, and […]


Urban History Review


Since 1972, the Urban History Review/Revue d’histoire urbaine has been the journal of Canadian urban history. Its mandate is to publish articles and research notes in either English or French which further our understanding of Canada’s urban past.


The Monograph


The Monograph is the journal of the Ontario Association for Geographic and Environmental Education, a subject area association. It strives to provide materials useful to secondary and elementary school teachers of Geography and its cognate disciplines.
